AnthonyTurner is a Professor of Strength and Conditioning, and the Research DegreesCoordinator for Sport, at the London Sport Institute, Middlesex University.Anthony has published over 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters,edited three textbooks (see latest here and here), and is an associate editor forStrength and Conditioning Journal, as well as Frontiers: Elite Sports andPerformance Enhancement. Anthony has been a sport science consultant andS&C coach to numerous sports teams, Olympic and Paralympic athletes, andwas formerly head of physical preparation for GBR fencing for the Rio Olympiccycle. Anthony is currently a consultant in human performance for the BritishMilitary, a strength and conditioning coach for Tottenham Hotspur Women’s Academy,and is a recipient of the UKSCA coach of the year for education and research.Links to Anthony’s social media accounts and research pages are provided below.