Dr Girish Bekaroo (SMIEEE) is an Associate Professor and the Head of School: Science and Technology atMiddlesex University Mauritius. He has a PhD in Sustainable Computing from theUniversity of Technology Mauritius in 2016. Dr Bekaroo was a Scholar at the University of Hull, UK, and a Fulbright Research Scholar at the University ofCalifornia, Davis, USA. Dr Bekaroo has also been the Campus Lead – Research andKnowledge Exchange at Middlesex University Mauritius, responsible to promote aresearch culture and to build research capacity at the university. As aresearcher, Dr Bekaroo has been the Principal Investigator, co-Investigator andResearch Consultant of over 12 funded research projects related to the applicationof cutting-edge technologies to address topical research issues includingcarbon footprint estimation, flash flood nowcasting and hazard perceptionevaluation. He has over 70 research publications in proceedings ofinternational conferences published in IEEE Xplore, ACM and Springer, as wellas publications in journals of impact including Renewable and SustainableEnergy Reviews, Journal of Cleaner Production and Robotics andComputer-Integrated Manufacturing.