School Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education
Department HSE School Leadership
Location London
Research activities
James' research background is in postcolonial media and literary studies. He is particularly interested in the intersection of promotional and postcolonial cultures and is currently PI for an international consortium of academics and practitioners bidding for external funding for the project ‘#diversifyoutdoors: Diversity, Participation and Outdoor Brands on Instagram’. Cooperation partners include outdoor brands and organisations (Outdoor Industries Association), third sector groups (Campaign for National Parks, Danish Outdoor Council, Norwegian Association for Outdoor Organisations), and policy-makers (Natural England, Danish Nature Agency, Metsähallitus, Parks and Wildlife Finland).
This work builds on the 2018 Instagram Conference hosted at Middlesex, for which James co-edited a special issue of Social Media+Society, and the 2015 conference on Collaborative Production in the Creative Industries, which led to the publication of a co-edited book: https://www.uwestminsterpress.co.uk/site/books/10.16997/book4/
Previously James collaborated on a project with colleagues from the Universities of Warwick, University College Dublin, Durham, York and Sussex which aimed at understanding and critiquing the spectacular re-emergence of 'world literature' in the Anglo-American academy. James has lectured, given conference papers and published extensivelly on this and related subjects, including the representation of land and landscape in southern African writing; the work of Ivan Vladislavić and Yvonne Vera; the aesthetics of postcolonial urbanism; and the rise and fall of 'multiculturalism' in British film and fiction of the New Labour Years.
Current Teaching
James has developed and taught a wide range of modules in the Media department at Middlesex, including: Brands, Media and Society; Visual Cultures; Writing the City; Advertising and PR in Context; Practices of Promotional Culture; Issues in Promotional Culture; Media for Advertising and Marketing; Marketing: PR and Promotion; Methods and Issues in Developing Research Projects; Independent Project.
As well as leading the delivery of undergraduate independent project/undegraduate dissertation modules, James supervises independent projects at postgraduate levels, with three PhD completions:
Adrian Banting, ‘Forbidden Love in Muslim Britain’
Maitrayee Basu, ‘Assembling Authority: the Rise of Literary Journalism in India’
Giannina Warren, 'Cultural Intermediaries and Place Branding: A Framework for Understanding Their Impact and Influence'