Laura is a senior lecturer in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition and joined Middlesex University as a full time member of staff in November 2019. Laura is the Programme Leader for the MSc in Sport and Exercise Nutrition, and also teaches across undergraduate modules in Exercise Physiology, Nutrition and Research Methods. Laura is an accredited physiologist with BASES and is the current BASES Physiology and Nutrition Division CPD Representative. Laura is also a Senior Fellow of Advance HE (SFHEA).
Title: PhD Exercise Physiology
Notes: 'The impact of cryotherapy versus placebo interventions on recovery following strenuous exercise, and adaptations to resistance training’
Date: 22 Apr 2019
Institution: Middlesex University
Title: MSc Sport Science (Physiology)
Institution: University of Chester
Title: BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science
Institution: University of Chester
Title: PGCert HE
Institution: Middlesex University