Dr Lisa Schulte

Senior Lec- Organisational Behaviour & Employment Relations

Lisa Schulte
  • School Faculty of Business and Law

  • Department Strategy, Leadership & Operations

  • Location London

Research activities

My primaryresearch interests are:

1.     Howcan the transition from carbon intensive economies to low carbon economies beimplemented in a fair and just way?

2.     Howdo industrial policies impact workers in renewables industries? And how canworkers in renewables industries contribute to shaping their working conditionsand the green transition?

3.     Howcan communities where renewables infrastructure is located benefit from thesein an equitable way?

Current Teaching

I am currentlyteaching in the area of workforce management and wellbeing at work.

I am supervisingMA theses in Management with a focus on Human Resource Management, Sociology ofWork, Sustainability and Marketing.

I am contributingto the Professional Doctorate Programme in Transdisciplinary Practice asinternal examiner and supervisor and to Middlesex University’s collaborative DoctoralProgramme with KMU, Austria as Defensio Chair.

I am currentlysupervising one PhD student. I will be accepting new PhD students from January 2025 preferably in the area of energy industry studies, studies of structural change with a focus on worker outcomes and participation, studies of community empowerment within the energy transition with a qualitative research design.


I joined Middlesex University in September 2016 as anassociate lecturer in Human Resource Management. I became a senior lecturer inOrganisational Behaviour and Employment Relations in September 2019.


Prior to joining Middlesex University I completed a PhD atthe University of Greenwich on ‘Industrialpolicy, skill formation, and job quality in the Danish, German and Englishoffshore wind turbine industries.’ During that time I also worked onthe European Research Council-funded project 'The Effects of Marketization onSocieties' (Primary Investigator: Ian Greer) and the project 'The Marketization of Employment Services: Dilemmas of Europe's Work-first Welfare States', which was funded by theGerman Hans-Boeckler-Foundation.


My comparative PhD research has shown the importance ofstable institutions and industrial policy and explored the effects of differentapproaches to industrial policy on job quality, skill formation and industrialdevelopment in different national, regional and firm level contexts. I havecontinued studying the wind turbine industry in the following years and revisitedsome of my earlier company cases in the British Academy funded research project "Wind energy and the JustTransition: Political and socio-economic pinch points in wind turbinemanufacturing and windfarm communities in Europe and South Africa"(Grant COVJT210011) this time with a team of five researchers. Weexpanded the comparison to South Africa and Scotland and the focus to wind farmcommunities and research participants’ definition and perception of the JustTransition. Our research showed how the concept Just Transition is a contestedone and how even within the wider wind energy sector there are conflicts ofinterests which are difficult to reconcile, but which need to be addressed bypolicy markers and other actors to keep wide ranging support for the energytransition. 
