School Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries
Department School of Arts
Location London
Research activities
My research focuses on the role of art in social and environmental change through bringing community-based knowledge into the public domain.
I welcome applications for PhD supervision relating to research in social practice, particularly where this is practice-led.
Recent and current projects include:
The Art of Healing follow-on: Impact and Engagement 2022-23, £79,951. Enhancing the value and benefit of previously-funded AHRC research through new interactions and knowledge exchange with user communities in conflict areas. With University of West of England and schools in Kashmir.
The Art of Engagement: Foundations for an international learning community in social practice 2022-23, £32,236. PI on AHRC networking project with The Tate Gallery (COI) and partners Queens Museum and City University New York. https://www.tate.org.uk/about-us/projects/art-of-engagement-international-learning-social-practice
Spaces of Hope: The Hidden History of Community Led Planning 2021-23, £550,538. Interdisciplinary project with Oxford Brookes University investigating the benefits of community-led planning. https://www.peoplesplans.org
The Art of Healing in Kashmir 2020-21, £125,763. Interdisciplinary project with University of West of England, artist, art therapist and school in India's Kashmir region. The project uses creative methods to support children traumatised by events in a previously militarised zone. https://artofhealing.org.uk
Active Energy 2008 – 2020, multiple funders £42,185. An intergenerational project with The Geezers seniors group and an extended interdisciplinary team to harness tidal energy from the Thames. https://www.active-energy-london.org.
JAL! Celebrating Cultures of Water in Rural Rajasthan 2018, £58,451. COI/ Lead Artist in AHRC networking project to bring the arts to bear on urgent issues of water conservation in Rajasthan’s desert regions https://rajasthanwater.weebly.com.
Hydrocitizenship 2014 -17, £1.5m. Artist consultant on AHRC funded project led by Bath Spa University. The project explored roles for the arts in investigating how citizens and communities live with each other and their environment in relation to water. https://www.hydrocitizenship.com
Lambeth Floating Marsh 2014 - 15, £24,919. Art/science collaboration addressing issues of biodiversity through construction of a floating reed bed on the River Thames with moving images of river organisms projected along the Thames embankment. https://cspace.org.uk/category/cspace-projects/lambeth-floating-marsh/https://cspace.org.uk/category/cspace-projects/lambeth-floating-marsh/
A more comprehensive account of my research and practice can be found at https://www.cspace.org.uk and in my monograph Art:Process:Change – inside a socially situated practice (Routledge, 2017/18).
Current Teaching
Teaching and Supervising
Module leader for BA Art Ecologies: Placement (current)
PhD supervision/ Director of Studies relating to research in social practice 2016-20
Programme leader for MA Art and Social Practice 2016-2018
2023 External examiner (PhD) Dept. Art History and Visual Culture, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Loughborough University
2022 External examiner (PhD) Belfast School of Art, University of Ulster
2022 External examiner (PhD) School of Business & Creative Industries, University of the West of Scotland
2017-2021 External examiner for MA Art and Social Practice, University of Highlands and Islands
2020 External assessor for appointments, Department of Creative and Festival Arts, University of the West Indies
2020 External examiner (PhD) Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham City University
2019 External examiner (PhD) School of Creative Arts and Design, Loughborough University
2019 External examiner (PhD) Department of Art, University of Reading
2017 Member of advisory committee for appointments to the Serra Húnter Programme, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
2015 External examiner for PhD in Art History and Cultural Studies, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
2014 External examiner for PhD in Environmental Studies, York University Toronto
2013 International PhD referee/assessor, University of Catalunya
Publishing on Social Practice Pedagogy
‘Active Energy – art practice into pedagogy’ in Provocations, Pedagogy, and Other Strategies for Teaching Ecological Art, International Ecoart Network.(2022).
Duman, A. Leeson, L. 2018, ‘Experience as Art: Fine Art Social Practice Modules at Middlesex University’.
‘Experience as Art: Fine Art Social Practice Modules at Middlesex University’ in Art as Social Action, Allworth Press, New York. (2018). Collaboration with Alberto Duman.
‘Giving More Than You Take: a conversation about the ethics, responsibilities and practicalities of facilitating student participation in community-based projects’ in The Tetley Feast, Leeds College of Art. (2015).