My name is Dr Maria Karamanidou and I am currently a full time Senior Lecturer in Primary Education - Science and Professional Studies at Middlesex University in London. I am also the Programme Leader for the BA (Hons) Primary Education degree.
In 2011 I have completed my MA in Educational Leadership and Management at the University of Warwick, and was offered a place for my Doctoral Studies. In 2017, I completed my PhD in Education, with the title ‘Women principals in Cyprus primary schools: Barriers to accession’. I have been involved and presented my research in numerous educational conferences across and outside the UK. I also hold a Fellowship in Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and I am an active article reviewer in ISEA, EMAL and TEAN Journals.
I am a passionate teacher and well-established researcher, who wants to foster and provide opportunities to a culture of ‘research-based’ education, rather than the more traditional ‘research-led’ teaching and learning. My career so far is reflecting a true believer of the importance in encouraging participation, not only between researchers across the University, but across different Universities and schools, as I for numerous times collaborated with other educational providers in different educational leadership and management research projects.
With my MA, PhD, research and teaching experience, I aim to build and establish a teaching and research profile which will not only be a stepping-stone to academia, but will highlight the skills involved in research and enquiry which are increasingly essential to educational leadership and education in general. As an educator, I am committed to the individual student and to growing intellectual curiosity, academic ability and career potential.