Dr Mia Scally
Senior Lecturer in Forensic Criminology-Forensic Psychology

School Faculty of Business and Law
Department Law and Social Sciences
Location London
Research activities
Intimate partner violence and abuse, online child sexual abuse, young people and pornography, offender interventions, violence against women and girls.
Please find a short video about one of my projects here.
Blog posts
Scally, M. (2021, Jun 17). The illusion of justice: Mothers, IPVA and the family courts (Web log post), https://supportnotseparation.blog/2021/06/17/3401/
Scally, M. (2021, May 21). The illusion of justice: Mothers, IPVA and the family courts (Web log post), https://mdxminds.com/2021/05/21/the-illusion-of-justice-mothers-ipva-and-the-family-courts/
Scally, M., & Graham, N. (2020, Jan 8). 16 days of gender-based violence: The women paying the ultimate price of men's violence (Web log post), https://mdxminds.com/2020/01/08/16days-of-gender-based-violence-the-women-paying-the-ultimate-price-of-mens-violence/
Scally, M., Adler, J. R., & Horvath, M. A. H. (2018, April 24). Researching survivor experiences of trauma (Web log post), https://mdxminds.com/2018/04/24/researching-survivor-experiences-of-trauma/
Scally, M., DeMarco, J., & Davidson, J. (2016, September 28) The Digital World and Sexual Offending (Web log post), https://mdxminds.com/2016/09/28/the-digital-world-and-sexual-offending/
DeMarco, J., Davidson, J., & Scally, M. (2016, May 26) Policing Online Child Sexual Abuse (Web log post), https://mdxminds.com/2016/05/26/policing-online-child-sexual-abuse/
Scally, M., & Horvath, M. A. H. (2015, May 21) Confronting Intimate Partner Violence Amongst Adolescents (Web log post), https://mdxminds.com/2015/05/21/confronting-intimate-partner-violence-among-adolescents/
Non-academic work
Scally, M., Scally, R., & Scally, J. (2021). Everything Changed: A short story for children about the death of a parent by suicide. England: Kindle Direct Publishing.
2022: Presentation, “Sanctioned by the legal system”, Victim Support national domestic abuse team.
2021: Advisory group member, Family Law Cultural Change Training Advisory Group, SafeLives.
2020: Chair, Grant Scoping Workshop (Parental Alienation and Domestic Abuse) with Academics and Third Sector Organisations, Brunel University
2019: Expert panel member, Support through Court conference for professionals working within the family courts.
2018: Academic advisor for the Victim Strategy
2017: Training Workshop delivered for professionals working within the field of child contact and IPVA
2017 - Current: Fellow of the HEA
2011 - Current: Member of the British Psychological Society, including Forensic Psychology and Psychology of Women divisions, currently chartered.
Current Teaching
Mia is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy and teaches first year undergraduate students through to masters students. Mia specialises in: Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse; Victimisation; Violence against Women and Girls; Forensic Psychology.
Mia is a mixed-methods researcher with experience in quantitative, qualitative and visual methods. Mia previously module led the core MSc Criminology with Forensic Psychology research methods module, and specialises in quantitative analysis.
Mia has experience teaching a range of topics including research methods, offender rehabilitation, violence against women and children (for example, online child sexual abuse, intimate partner violence amongst young people, sexual and domestic violence and abuse) and other forensic psychological topics.
Mia comes from a psychological perspective, allowing students to widen their understanding of key criminological topics and approach topics in an interdisciplinary way. Pedagogically, Mia is a firm believer in active learning and reflective teaching, incorporating methods such as problem-based learning, flipped classrooms and other such forms in her teaching.
In addition to programme leadership, Mia also takes an active role in improving the student experience. Most recently Mia has worked with CAPE, colleagues in Criminology/Sociology and students across the department to develop feedback guides and tools that are comprehensive, easy to use and will help students get the most from their assessed coursework. The feedback working group, led by Mia, developed some video guides for staff and students to support the feedback process. The feedback templates (labelled as 'gold-standard' by one of our external examiners) are now being used across the department.
Teaching Awards:
2016-17: Shortlisted - Academic Staff Member of the Year (Law), MDXSU Awards
2016-17: Nominated - Most Inspiring Teacher category, MDXSU Awards
2017-18: Shortlisted - Academic Staff Member of the Year (Law), MDXSU Awards
2018-19: Nominated - Academic Staff Member of the Year (Law), MDXSU Awards
2019-20: Nominated - Academic Staff Member of the Year (Law), MDXSU Awards
2019-20: Nominated - Innovative Teaching Award category, MDXSU Awards
2020-21: Nominated - MDX Staff Awards
2021-22: Shortlisted - Academic Staff Member of the Year (Law), MDXSU Awards / Winner - Innovative Teaching Award, MDXSU Awards
Mia engages with students through various extra-curricular methods on top of her teaching role, for example by running activities such as:
- Problem-Based Learning Workshop Series: Murder, Hostages and Lies is a problem-based workshop series designed to get you thinking about case studies and applying the skills you have learnt so far. It is not for the faint-hearted and you should come ready to participate and engage! All the sessions are developed to support you, but with you directing your learning first and foremost. From hostage negotiation, to profiling, to insanity - there is something for everyone. Please remember - this isn't a CPD course! It's a fun way to learn. Don't try to negotiate with hostage takers as a result of this workshop.
- Gender-Based Violence Events and Exhibitions: From art installations to interdisciplinary mock rape trials (Criminology Department, School of Law & Performing Arts Department), these events are organised to get you thinking by engaging in the conversation. To read more about last year's exhibition and the donation drive for a local refuge, see this blog post.
- Create your Future! Podcast series: In conjunction with other programme leaders in Criminolgy, we ask professionals in the field questions that students want to know the answers to! All employability related, have a listen to find out their expert tips on becoming graduate employable and landing that dream job.
- Raise your Voice! Student Blog: A space for our students to share their opinion on relevant topics. Criminology and Sociology students can submit a blog post on a topic of their choice, no longer than 500 words, and using evidence. You can find the blog here. Email submissions to Mia ([email protected]).