Research activities
Health psychology interests:
Experiences and impacts of fertility challenges and treatmentExperiences of living with chronic conditions e.g. Long Covid, Sickle Cell DiseaseBehaviour change interventionsPublic health service evaluationsOccupational health psychology interests:
Work-life balance and flexible workingThe impact of the work environment and working life on health behavioursStress and wellbeing at workExperiences and workplace supports for employees having fertility treatment
Current Teaching
Department ofPsychology Postgraduate Research Lead
Programme leader MSc Clinical Health Psychologyand Wellbeing
MSc module leader: Research: Practice and reporting (research dissertation module)
MSc module leader: Clinicalhealth psychology: perspectives, practice and placement
BSc module leader: Healthpsychology applied to behaviour change
Current PhD supervision
Neelam Ghuman.Work-life balance in employees with different family structures.Tasneem Wadee. Leading and Managing business transformation in a changing economic climate.Lindsay de Wal. The experience of humanist healthcare chaplains entering faith-based NHS Chaplaincy teams.Nikki Swales. An exploration into skin cancer patients' experience of the helpful factors within psychotherapy.Mary Attito. Black British Men's Perceptions of Therapy.Andrew Waller. How do the experiences of overweight and obese men influence their cognitive and emotional processes?Andrew Grimmer. A qualitative inquiry into cognitive behavioural therapy practitioners’ understanding of the meaning, context, and development oftherapeutic competence across the professional lifespan.Claire Gellard. Socioeconomic predictors of cooperative socialBehaviour: an investigation into the ecological determinants of levels andstyles of social coordination in humans.Hosna Yasin. Workplace bullying and intergroup relations. The effect of organizational level social dominance and power distance orientation.Kristina van Dam. The relationshipbetween diabetes, stress and depression.