Dr Perry Devo

Lecturer in Computational Chemistry

Perry Devo
  • School Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Department Natural Sciences

  • Location London

Research activities

Currently, Dr. Devo's research group at Middlesex University are conducting a waste water based epidemiology study on personal pharmaceutical care products. His group is also at the forefront of developing new sensing technologies, combining the power of computational chemistry, machine learning, mass spectrometry and hyphenated techniques.


Dr. Perry Devo is acomputational chemist with a deep expertise in Density Functional Theory (DFT)and ab initio calculations. His journey in the field began at the University ofGreenwich, where he earned a first-class Integrated Master’s degree inChemistry (MCHEM).

Followinghis Master’s, Dr. Devo pursued a Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry, furthersolidifying his foundation in the field. His doctoral research was centredaround the development of novel therapeutics for the treatment of malignantmesothelioma. It was during this time Dr Devo applied his knowledge of moleculardynamics, DFT and ab initio methods to medicinal chemistry, providing valuableinsights into the design of new drugs.

While completinghis Ph.D., Dr. Devo took on the role of a Scientific Officer in a Mass Spectrometry department. Inthis capacity, he applied his expertise in computational chemistry and machinelearning to real-world problems, developing predictive algorithms that havesince been used in the creation of novel analytical methods for the detectionand quantification of several classes of small molecules.
