Dr Shilan Fuad Hussain

Senior Research Fellow

Shilan Fuad Hussain
  • School Faculty of Business and Law

  • Department Law and Social Sciences

  • Location London

Research activities

  • Cultural Analysis
  • Gender Studies
  • Middle Easter Studies.

  • Current Teaching

    I have previously taught in a variety of formats including largelectures, smaller classrooms, seminars, and individual tutorials. I am aware ofthe group dynamics that prevent some students – often, women – from speaking inlarger groups. I am strongly committed to ensuring equal opportunity andpromoting participation in diverse learning environments. For this reason, Ivary group size and composition in seminars and make myself available forone-on-one discussion. My teaching philosophy has been informed, broadened, andenriched by my research and past interactions. I have worked in an ethnicallydiverse and multicultural area of Italy which has exposed me to a variety ofsignificant issues regarding race, migration, and multiculturalism. My interactionwith students has kept me up to date on emerging scholarship and pushed me toexplain insights from my own research in a way that connects to the students’projects and level of knowledge. I have shared insights from my work in a waythat has enabled students to clarify their own research questions and researchdesign for their dissertation research.

    I am an enthusiastic teacher, and my aim is to motivate and inspire students tolearn. During my Ph.D. I assisted and taught B.A. and M.A. students, andcontributed to the department’s activities, including organizing seminars andconferences. Moreover, I independently developed the course syllabus andlectures for a course on the Interpretation of Literature, for the Departmentof Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Urbino. Post Ph.D.(2014). Additionally, I was a lecturer of Arabic Literature, Language, andculture at “Area Intercultura”, a private center for Arabic Studies inSavignanosulRubicone (Italy), where I focused on: modern history of the IslamicWorld, modern Arabic literature, and Middle Eastern diaspora literature. I alsotaught Arabic as a foreign language to adult specialist and non-specialistlearners, designed the teaching materials for the program, and conducted the examinations.


    Dr. Shilan Fuad Hussain is currently a Marie CuriePostdoctoral Fellow in the field of Gender Studies and cultural analysis, and aSenior Consultant for gender-related issues in society. She was previously aVisiting Fellow at the Washington Kurdish Institute (U.S.), and a DoctoralFellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (Switzerland), where she haspublished a number of papers and received tailored training. She holds aMaster’s degree from the University of Bologna (Italy) in Middle EasternStudies, and a Ph.D. from the University of Urbino (Italy) in CulturalAnalysis. Since gaining her Ph.D., she has continued to publish in academicpeer-reviewed journals and has developed a track record in the field ofCultural Analysis, alongside Middle Eastern and Kurdish Studies.

    She is an interdisciplinary academic and works on a variety of topics, among them: cultural representation, production, and practices; gender-based violence and women’s human rights; state policies enhancing female equality; FGM, sexuality, and arranged/forced marriages; the social impacts of masculinity; and multi-identity in the diaspora – which are topics that mirror her published papers. Her current work sits at the intersection of sociology and cultural analysis, and its symbiotic relevance to modern society. She has engaged in comparative cultural research in the Middle East and Europe, with a focus on women and society, hence her research is multi-sited and multi-method.

    She has published 18 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, 3 special issues, 4 book chapters, one co-edited book, 15 open-access articles online, 3 op-eds; one single-authored book is forthcoming, and 3 peer-reviewed articles in academic journals. She has been an invited speaker to 40 international conferences in Europe, the US, and the Middle East. She has worked for over eleven years with international NGOs, liaising with a diverse range of local, national, international, and non-governmental officials, policymakers, bureaucrats, and civil society members – conducting interviews, and research on issues affecting the most vulnerable members of society. As a Kurdish woman who grew up in Iraq amidst war before transitioning to the diaspora, her personal experiences have shaped her worldview and unique perspectives on current cultural and political debates.
