School Faculty of Business and Law
Department Accounting, Finance & Economics
Location London
Research activities
Particular research interests include:
-stock market anomalies
-Dividend policy
-stock price behaviour and news
-analyst earnings forecast
My research output appeared in the International Journal of Finance and Economics, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Journal of Economic Studies and International Journal of Business.
Current Teaching
Sina taught several modules at graduate and post-graduate levels on subjects such as Corporate Finance, Theory of Finance, Financial Markets, Risk Management, Entrepreneurial Finance and Financial Accounting. My teaching focuses on subjects related asset pricing, risk management and valuations.
He has supervised 6 PhDs to completion, many masters dissertations and undergraduate projects and internships. He also acted participated in several viva panels both as examiner and chair.
He contributed to the curriculum development of the MSc Investment and Finance and acted as an external examiner at validation programmes and MSc Degrees at UK institutions.