School Faculty of Business and Law
Department Strategy, Leadership & Operations
Location London
Research activities
· Tim Evans, History of British Information Warfare Organisations and their Lessons for in an Age of Digital Governance. Currently being finished; book expected to be published by Routledge (RAIDS) in 2026/7.
· Tim Evans, ‘Reflections from the Insight Out: What Libertopia tell us about the Nature of Markets in Trade’ in Free Trade in the Twenty-First Century. New York: Springer Books [To be published in 2025].
· Elliott, A., Evans, T., Cohen, R., Watt, J., & Volante, M. (2022). ‘Was physical education as bad as people remember it? A qualitative thematic review’. THE SKY-International Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences (IJPESS), pp. 18-31.
· Elliott, A., & Evans, T. (2022) ‘Is the answer to improved health hiding in plain sight?’, Integrated Care Journal. Published online: https://integratedcarejournal.com/newsdit-article/bf4d9f515e5b171faa9acca0c8050aba/is-the-answer-to-improved-health-hiding-in-plain-sight/ 22 February 2022.
· Elliott A., Volante M., Evans T., Watt J., Cohen R., (2021) ‘Was PE as bad as people remember it?’ Conference paper - International Network of Sport and Health Science 17th Sport Specific Convention 1-3 Dec 2021, Budapest, Hungary.
· Tim Evans, ‘Rishi Sunak’s furloughing move balances firmness, fairness and timeliness,’ The Daily Telegraph, 29 May 2020.
· Tim Evans, ‘To futureproof the NHS, the government must turbo-charge innovation,’ The Daily Telegraph, 12 May 2020.
· Tim Evans, ‘It is too early to judge where Britain will end up on the global coronavirus league table,’ The Daily Telegraph, 1 May 2020.
· Tim Evans, ‘Germany’s post-war economic miracle shows how we can recover from coronavirus,’ The Daily Telegraph, 15 April 2020.
· Tim Evans, ‘Beyond coronavirus economics, our national security requires more out of the box thinking,’ The Daily Telegraph, 3 April 2020.
· Tim Evans, ‘In a crisis, government always mobilises the little ships of private enterprise,’ The Daily Telegraph, 20 March 2020.
·. Tim Evans, ‘Navigating the 4th industrial revolution: A world of higher quality but lower cost healthcare’, Future Health Summit, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, July 10 2019.
· Tim Evans, ‘Government plastics ban destined to fail’, Comment Central, 8 January 2019.
· Tim Evans, ‘Oman shines the brightest of Middle Eastern lights for Global Britain’, Daily Telegraph, 20 April 2018.
· Tim Evans, ‘Saudi transformation offers UK rich pickings’, Comment Central, 3 August 2017.
· Tim Evans, ‘The 21st century NHS revolution that will cure more for less’, City AM, 12 January 2016.
· Tim Evans (2013) 'In Dence of a Free Market City: Time to Separate Banking and Money from the State?', In Defence of the City, Bretwalda Books.
· Tim Evans, 'For-profit universities could deliver welcome change to higher education', City AM, 15 August 2013.
· Tim Evans and Helen Evans (2005) 'Health 2055' in Towards A Liberal Utopia?, London, Institute of Economic Affairs.
· Tim Evans, Alberto Mingardi, Cecile Philippe and Stephen Pollard, (2004) Towards Greater Partnership in Healthcare Funding: The Rise of Health Consumerism in British and Other European Healthcare Systems, Brussels, Centre for the New Europe.
· Tim Evans, 'Lesson in sidestepping politics', The Australian, 19 January 2004
· Tim Evans and Sean Gabb, (2004) The Costs of European Environmental Regulations in the Accession Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Brussels, Centre for the New Europe.
· Tim Evans, Conservative Economics and Globalisation, The Political Quarterly, November 2004.
· Tim Evans, Sean Gabb and Alberto Mingardi, (2004) From Antitrust to Disaster: An Overview of European Union Competition Policy, Brussels, Centre for the New Europe.
· Tim Evans, 'Facing death by consensus, Germans lap up political sweeteners', The Australian, 29 September 2002.
· Tim Evans (2002) 'Towards Greater Public Private Partnerships in Healthcare' in the Blue Book on Health: Radical Thinking on the Future of the NHS, edited by Edward Vaizey, London, Methuen/Politicos Publishing.
· Tim Evans, 'Right man, right place', The Australian, 12 June 2002.
· Tim Evans and Helen Evans, 'Back to the Future: Towards a Better State of Healthcare', Economic Affairs, April 2002.
· Tim Evans, (1996) Conservative Radicalism: A Sociology of Conservative Youth Structures and Libertarianism 1970-1992, Oxford, Berghahn Books.
· Tim Evans, 'Towards a Progressive Partnership with Independent Healthcare', Fabian Review Conference Edition, London, Fabian Society, Autumn 1996.
· Tim Evans, In Praise of Post-Modernity: A Libertarian Perspective on the Contradictions of Conservative Euro-skepticism, Political Notes No.110., London, Libertarian Alliance, 1995.
· Tim Evans, Socialism Without the State: the Re-emergence of Collective Self-Help, Political Notes No.99., London, Libertarian Alliance, 1994.
· Tim Evans, 'The Selling of Cop Shop plc', The Guardian, 17 June 1993.
· Tim Evans, (1993) Europe at Risk: Bureaucratic Betrayal of the European Ideal, London, Adam Smith Institute.
· Tim Evans, (ed) (1991) An Arresting Idea: the Management of Police Services in Modern Britain, London, Adam Smith Institute.
· Tim Evans, (1991) A Friend in Need: Based on the Ideas of Frank Field MP, London, Adam Smith Institute.
· Tim Evans, Sociology, Crises, Contradictions and Capitalism: A Libertarian Critique, Sociological Notes No.7., London, Libertarian Alliance, 1990.
· Tim Evans, Pop Music and Politics, Cultural Notes No.8., London, Libertarian Alliance, 1988.