Miss Carmel Fitzsimons

Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing

Carmel Fitzsimons
  • School Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

  • Department Adult, Child & Midwifery

  • Location London

Current Teaching

I currently work part-time, prior to this I undertook a full-time role and held the position of Programme Leader for the Dip HE NA programme and the FdSc NA programme for three years.  I have since stepped down from the aforementioned role, and now act as a Module Leader for a year 2 module on the FdSc NA programme titled Team Leadership and Supporting Learning in Practice.  I also teach across other modules on the FdSc NA programme and on the BSc programme.  I also support with the development and facilitation of simulated learning to both pre-reg and post-reg nursing students.


I am a senior lecturer in adult nursing at MiddlesexUniversity, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, MSc in ProfessionalPractice.  I have a considerable teaching experience in nurse education,with a passion for simulation learning.  I am a Fellow of the HigherEducation Academy with a PostgraduateCertificate in Higher Education.      I was heavily involved as a senior team memberwith the education pathway for NCL vaccination programme, with an extensivecareer in nursing, particular interest in cancer nursing.  Prior my rolein academia, I worked as a senior clinical education role in oncology for sevenyears and previously in a clinical management role in haemato/oncology for fiveyears at a leading London Trust.

