Miss Claire Farmer

Acting Director of Programmes for Dance

Claire Farmer
  • School Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

  • Department School of Arts

  • Location London

Research activities

Claire's PhD research lies in physiology and biomechanics within student and professional dancers.

Alongside this Claire also researches in dance for health of the general population and through consumer arts consumption.

Farmer, C and Brain, A. 2025. Rigour and Reality, Animated! PeopleDancing, People Dancing :: Winter 2025 :: Foundation for CommunityDance

Farmer, C and Brouner, J. 2025. Frequency of Upper Body Muscular Demandsin Contemporary and Ballet Dance Performance: A Cross-Sectional PerformanceAnalysis, Journal of Dance Medicine and Science https://doi.org/10.1177/1089313X251313664

Farmer, C and Kindred, H .2024. The ‘Female’ Dancer: a soma-scientificapproach, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, UK

Farmer, C., De’Ath, S. and Brouner, J. 2024. Strength Training PerceptionsAmongst Vocational Circus and Dance Students, Journal of Dance Medicine andScience, 28(1), 37-42, https://doi.org/10.1177/1089313X23120416

Boardman, R., Balfour, A., Farmer, C., Hopkins, S., Stamp, K. 2023. SocialValue of Movement and Dance. Sport and Recreation Alliance, UK, available at https://sramedia.s3.amazonaws.com/media/documents/a634c6ce-ac67-48d1-ac0d-290fc502f289.pdf


Claireis a Senior Lecturer in Dance at Middlesex University and an Early Careerresearcher, currently undertaking a PhD investigating upper body strength in ballet and contemporary dance performance. Claire’s academic research lies in dance physiology and biomechanics,alongside research into the impact of dance on the aesthetics and health ofmature dancers and special educational needs (SEN). She is also particularly interested in the gender balance ofmedical and sports/dance science research and how this informs training practices.

Claireholds a BA (hons) Dance Studies with Drama, theatre and performance studiesfrom Roehampton University and an MSc Dance Science from Trinity LabanConservatoire of Music and Dance and is also a qualified Strength andConditioning coach. Claire has worked extensively with UK dance and circuscompanies including All or Nothing Aerial Dance Theatre, Gravity and Levity,Pagrav Dance Company and Dance East CAT programme.


Title: PGCHE

Date: 11 Jan 2022

Institution: Middlesex University

Title: MSc Dance Science

Date: 09 Sept 2015

Institution: Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance

Title: BA (Hons) Dance studies with Drama, theatre and performance studies

Date: 25 Jul 2006

Institution: Roehampton University

External activities

  • Journal reviewer, Journal of Dance Medicine and Science,
  • Dance Educators Committee, International Association for Dance Medicine and Science,
  • Publications