School Faculty of Business and Law
Department Strategy, Leadership & Operations
Location London
Research activities
Researchand Scholarly Activity
In 2015, an independentresearch team was formed to work on a paper in the area of teaching andlearning, in particularly looking at the workings of a ‘Wiki’. The group is made up of a fellow Academic, acolleague from eLearning, and an independent researcher.
A ‘Wiki’ is currently beingused to assign, monitor, assess, and offer groups of students accumulativegroup report assignment feedback, from which the results will be analysed,after undertaking an end of term qualitative survey, the first of which took placeduring March 2016 – April 2016, the second of which took place in March 2017 –April 2017, the third of which took place in March 2018 – April 2018, thefourth of which will take place in March 2019 – April 2019, the results ofwhich will hopefully lead to a publication in the area of teaching andlearning, and will be looking at group assignment work, group dynamics,assessment and feedback.
In 2001, I succeeded inwinning a scholarship from MUBS via an open competition to pursue a PhD doctorateprogramme. Professor Abby Ghobadian wasin charge of the awarding committee at the time.
ExternalExamining Experience
I was part of an Academicteam working as a marker for WBS1522 and W1532, on an external universitycollaboration with The Royal Mail from Dec 2010 to May 2012. I was the sole marker for BUS3700 final groupcourse work and exam papers for Semesters from February 2004 to May 2005. I was joint marker for individual course workfor BUS2500 for Semesters from February 2004 to January 2005. I was also joint marker for BUS3700 for theSemesters from September 2005 to January 2006. During academic year 2005/2006, I had developed and constructed the examcourse work assignment paper, and the course content, for all the students onthe BUS1000. Additionally, I undertookthe process of marking the exam assignments for the BUS1000, which was thenpassed on for second marking. In2012/2013, I was joint marker for final year exam papers, for BUS3700, havingalready marked my allocation of BUS3700 group coursework assignments.
Current Teaching
I have taught from foundation, first year undergraduates, second year, and final year students. My main area of interest is Business and Management, Human Resources, and Marketing, as my own PhD thesis also covers many aspects of Business, Management, Human Resources, and Marketing.
The Modules that I have taught in chronological order are:
BUS3700, BUS2500, BUS1000, MGT1500, HRM1200, HRM1400, MGT2110, MKT3110, MKT3130, MKT4001, HRM2014, IFP0304, IFP0305, MGT3115, MGT1110, MGT3170, MGT2510, MGT2545, BUS0700, MGT0005, MGT4900, MGT3999, MGT1301, MGT2411, MGT1303, MGT1305, MGT2311, MGT2316, and MGT3314.
Research Supervision
During the followingperiods, I acted as the dissertation supervisor and second marker for thefollowing modules:
October 2020 – Present:MGT3900,
October 2020 – Present:MGT3998,
October 2019 – Present:MGT3999,
October 2018 – Present:MGT4900,
October 2014 – April 2016:MGT3999 and MGT4900,
October 2012 – April 2014:MGT4131,
October 2011 – April 2014:MGT3192.
During the period February2004 – January 2007, I have acted as an advisor and mentor for final yearBUS3700 students with respect to their group course work and final exams. Additionally, during the period February 2004– January 2005, I have acted within a supervisory role for second year studentson BUS2500 with respect to their individual coursework, web based assignments,and final exams. During academic year2005/2006 when I had been acting as the Module Leader for first year studentson BUS1000, and the Seminar Tutor for both BUS1000 and MGT1500, I assistedfirst year students with how to research business topics, how to undertakecoursework, and how to submit and present their findings. During academic year 2011/2012, I have beenassisting students with their dissertations. During academic year 2017/2018, I was an Academic Advisor for a numberof students.