Mr Kulvinder Dhillon
Assoc Lec (Practice) in Social Work(Think Ahead Project)

School Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education
Department Mental Health & Social Work
Location London
Research activities
Throughout my career I have been involved in different aspects and stages of practice related research activities. This features being personally involved in developing action led research, focus groups and supporting research teams conducting projects (gender specific). As a manager I was also involved in high profile policy led discussion concerning decisions being made to commission research projects in local authorities.
The completion of the MA Social Research incorporated the presentation of a research project that focussed on a mixed methods study; "service user engagement in the youth offending service" the topic having been explored with a sample of practitioners and managers to examine the topic through drawing on qualitative and quantitative strategies, using a range of data collection methods and finally disseminating the findings.
Scholarly opportunities to undertake further research related activity are welcomed in the following area's which is not an exhaustive list by any means;
1. Social Work Training Programmes -
To further explore a range of diverse student experiences and review content of the curriculum in terms of the delivery of seminars for different modules.
A scoping exercise was completed which involved facilitating focus groups with service users as part of an audit of identified seminars.
2. Social Work Practice -
Interventions and cultural practices with families in BME communities.
Exploring the BME service user experience of mental health service provision in the UK.
Developing more cross cultural/trans knowledge exchange in relation to sexual violence, generational trauma and offending behaviour patterns.
Current Teaching
Since June 2021 responsibilities for teaching as an Academic Tutor directly relate to the 6 Modules of the Social Work PG Diploma qualifying Programme (Think Ahead). This includes: Readiness for Direct Practice, Social Work Knowledge, Placement Stage One and Two, Law and Social Policy, Social Work Dissertation.
Supervision of programme participants is conducted via regular 1-1 Tutorial, Group Unit Tutorials and the chairing of Placement Meetings. Assessment of participants is completed in regard to their Role Play and Viva as well as facilitating formative seminar work across the full cohort. Academic submissions (essays) as well as student Portfolios are marked in accordance with University marking criteria and constructive feedback is provided in a timely manner through written and verbal discourse with students.
Completion of the PGCert training also enables the integration of key teaching aspects in more depth and supports considering new pedagogy.
Masters Supervision takes place concerning 14 students in Year 2 of the MA Social Work (Think Ahead Programme). Since June 2023 further responsibility has been designated towards the development of a new Social Work Practice Portfolio (Advanced MH Practice) Module and to act as an effective Module Lead for this module.
Teaching sessions have been delivered live as well as via pre recorded means with some relating directly to the curriculum whilst others are offering participants more specialised resources including an introduction to criminal justice, organisational practice and working with families.