Dr Nicky Lambert

Associate Professor in Mental Health

Nicky Lambert
  • School Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

  • Department Mental Health & Social Work

  • Location London

Research activities

She has teaching and research interests in women's health, physical and mental health, Trauma informed care, co-production, social media and health education.


Current Teaching

Nicky teaches across a range of PgDip, M.Sc., BSc and public contexts. She is also engaged in #mhTV a open access vodcast/podcast that encourages free debate and learning around mental health and nursing issues.



Dr Nicky Lambert is an Associate Professor (Practice) at Middlesex University. She is registered as a Specialist Practitioner (NMC) and is a Senior Teaching Fellow (SFHEA). She is also a co-director of the Centre for Coproduction in Mental Health and Social Care.

Nicky has worked across a range of mental health services both in the UK and internationally supporting staff and practice development in acute and mental health trusts, councils, businesses and charities. She is active in supporting mental health and wellbeing with the RCN (where she is a Forum Member) and Unite. She is an editorial board member for Mental Health Nursing, a member of MHNAUK and on the education and policy committees. Nicky engages with local trusts and has worked with the RCPsych to support sexual safety in mental health services and develop national policy on women's health. She is also a Trustee for The Bridge and is a reviewer for various national bodies and higher education institutes.

External activities

  • External panel reviewer for HEE accredited courses, NHS England,
