CharlesDennis is Professor of Consumer Behaviour at The Business School, MiddlesexUniversity (UK). His main teachingand research area is (e)retail and consumer behaviour, particularly consumerresponses to new and emerging technologies. Charles qualified as a CharteredMarketer, elected a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing for helpingto modernise the teaching of the discipline. Hewas awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence for improvingthe interactive student learning experience at Brunel University. Hehas over 100 publications in refereed journals and books, including BritishJournal of Management, Journal ofInternational Marketing, Journal of BusinessResearch; Psychology & Marketing; Information Technology & People;International Journal of Electronic Commerce; and European Journal of Marketing. Booksinclude Smart Retailing: Technologies andStrategies, 1st & 2nd editions (Palgrave,research monograph, joint-authored with Dr Eleonora Pantano); and researchmonograph Objects of Desire: ConsumerBehaviour in Shopping Centre Choice (Palgrave). Charlesenjoys a particular focus of his work on mentoring, with satisfying outcomes.Three mentees have recently been promoted to Associate Professor, one to fullProfessor, one is thetop retail author, another is top marketing author in the UK andEurope and another is now his boss! His research into shopping styles hasreceived extensive coverage in the popular media including TV appearances withSir Trevor McDonald OBE and Adrian Edmondson. Pure research into why people buyhas led to applied research projects on business and public funded research,making contributions to knowledge and impact of commercial value to the realworld of business and the community, including for example, informinggovernment policy on digital inclusion; and improving wellbeing andproductivity through dance. Current research focuses on (e-)consumer behaviour,especially in relation to consumer wellbeing, responses to technologicaladvances and digital exclusion.
Title: FHEA
Date: 01 Aug 2002
Institution: Brunel University
Title: PhD
Date: 01 Jan 2001
Institution: Brunel University