Prof Eleonore Kofman

Professor of Social Policy

  • School Faculty of Business and Law

  • Department Law and Social Sciences

  • Location London

Research activities

Gender and Migration, especially in relation to theory and policies in family and labour migration. 

* Publications in journals such as Comparative Migration Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies,  International Migration, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Social Politics as well as co-author Gender and Migration, IMISCOE Short Reader, Springer, 2022.

Production of knowledge in migration studies

* Unequal internationalisation and the  emergence of a new  epistemic community: gender and migration’ Comparative Migration Studies  8, 36. 

Gender and political geography, including gendered citizenship and the right to the city.

Current Teaching

I have taught undergraduate  and postgraduate modules on Migration Studies and have supervised undergraduate and masters dissertations as well as a large number of PhDs relating to migration and associated topics as well as socio-legal issues such as gender discrimination.


I have been at Middlesex University since 2005 and am Professor of Gender, Migration and Citizenship and co-Director of the Social Policy Research Centre and co-cluster lead of the Migration, Policy and Society research cluster. as well as joint co-ordinator of  a newly formed University Migration Network consisting of Anglia Ruskin, Greenwich and Middlesex Universities.  I am also active in international networks, for example IMISCOE, the largest network of institutions of migration research in Europe, where I am a member of the Executive Board.. I was Joint Editor in Chief of the British Sociological Association  journal Work, Employment and Society 2018-2021.

I have served on a number of research evaluation panels for the ESRC,  Norwegian Research Council Expert Panel 2019; 2020; 2021, Czech Academy of Science: Social Science Evaluation 2021, the Belgian French Community Research Evaluation 2023-2025, AHRC 2025 and Nordforsk 2025 as well as reviewing ERC proposals.

External activities

  • Journal editor; Reviewer for research councils; Executive Board member of international association , AHRC-ESRC,
  • Publications