Participants wanted for MDX study examining impact of COVID-19 on people with diabetes
11 June 2020
People with diabetes are wanted for the MDX study amid fears people with the condition are extremely vulnerable to coronavirus
Middlesex University has launched a study examining the psychological effects of COVID-19 on people who have diabetes.
The Psychology Department is inviting people with diabetes to take part in the survey amid growing concerns they are particularly vulnerable to coronavirus.
Research by NHS England found 7,466 people in England who died after contracting the virus up until 17 May had type 2 diabetes and 365 people had type 1 diabetes.
People with type 1 diabetes were found to be three-and-a-half times more at risk of dying from COVID-19 than those without the condition, while people with type 2 are at twice the risk.
Almost one in three people who have died in hospital after testing positive for COVID-19 had diabetes, reports the Nursing Times.
Arie Nouwen, a Professor of Psychology at MDX, said: "Our study is a research project tackling the effects of social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak on mood, wellbeing and diabetes self-management.
"As scientists around the globe investigate the effects of this pandemic on our daily life and health, we are interested to know more about your daily activities during social distancing and how these activities change during the quarantine. We would also like to evaluate how such drastic measures as social distancing impact on your mood, well-being and diabetes care.
"We would be very grateful, if you would dedicate about 30 minutes of your precious time and fill in the online questionnaire."
Take part in the COVID-19 diabetes survey
If you would like more information about the diabetes study please contact Arie Nouwen, Professor of Psychology at Middlesex University, by email at [email protected].