Occupational Health (OH) Checks

Check your course to see what steps you need to take to get your Occupational Health Check completed.

If you have applied for and been accepted on a professional programme, you will be required to undertake an Occupational Health (OH) Check. This page provides you with information and guidance on the OH Check process which is specific to your course.

The information on this webpage is for applicants and new starters only (i.e. individuals applying to study at or who have just started studying at Middlesex University). This webpage is not for returning students.

Your first point of contact for your Occupational Health (OH) Check should always be the OH Trust you are assigned to. However, if you have been directed to contact the MDX OH Unit, please complete our OH checks contact us form.




Nursing - course specific information

If you are holding an offer for this programme, you will be required to undertake an Occupational Health (OH) screening for your placement experience.

Please be aware of the recent UK Government policy update about the need to be fully vaccinated before you commence your programme with us in September. View Guidance for Nursing, Midwifery and Nursing Associate Students.

The OH screening is carried out for various purposes:

  • To confirm your fitness to complete the course including placements
  • To indicate where additional support and adjustments are required for you to complete the placement aspects of your course
  • To confirm your fitness for employment within nursing.


You will need to undertake your OH check with the North West London (NWL) Occupational Health Service.

Please do not go to or contact any other OH Trust for your OH Check.

The NWL Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected].

Please follow the instructions provided but do not reply to this email address as it's not monitored. Please check your junk/spam folder if you have not received this email.

Please complete the OH Questionnaire as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge, including any immunisation and medical history you have available to you or that you can obtain from your GP. You have the option to also attach any evidence (PDF format only) to your OH Questionnaire.

You must complete your OH Questionnaire as soon as possible to avoid any delays in starting your placement.

The OH Check process can take several months to complete in full. Please note that for some programmes placements start as early as October.

Once you have fully completed your OH Questionnaire, please ensure that you select Submit so that your completed OH Questionnaire returns to the NWL Occupational Health Service for assessment.

You will be contacted by the NWL Occupational Health Service to arrange an appointment. Your appointment will take place on the Trust premises so please be prepared to travel to the hospital site when required.

You may also be required to attend follow-up appointments at the Trust. It is essential that you attend all appointments, including any follow-up appointments, as you will not receive OH clearance unless you do this.

When you come to your OH appointment, please bring with you:

  • Photographic identification (passport, driver’s licence or current Middlesex University student ID card if you have been issued one)
  • Evidence of any medication you're on
  • Your medical records

Make sure you:

  • Eat and drink prior to your appointment unless advised not to do so
  • Allow plenty of time to attend your appointment. If you are late, you will not be seen by the OH nurse or doctor

Please also note that you may be required to have an injection or a blood test at your appointment.

If you cannot attend your appointment, you must contact the NWL Occupational Health Service directly, at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment.

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact NWL, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 020 3317 3350

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

Please be aware that if you do not attend your appointment or inform NWL within 48 Hours, a ‘did not attend’ (D.N.A) will be marked on your Occupational Health Record.

The University are notified of this and are charged.

Frequent D.N.A appointments are recorded by the University and can be escalated which may have implications on your placement.

Once you have attended all your appointments and have been fully Occupationally Health screened, the NWL Occupational Health Service will provide your OH clearance directly to the University.

Please note that you will not be allowed to attend placement without being OH cleared.

Should you be OH cleared with adjustments / recommendations, these will need to be reviewed by the University to ensure that any reasonable adjustments can be effectively implemented to enable you to undertake your programme of study safely.

Having HIV, Hepatitis B or C will not hinder you becoming a student nurse. However, there may be restrictions on certain types of practice experience.

Further information is available from the Department of Health documents:

Healthcare workers with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C

You will be encouraged to take the COVID-19 vaccination. This may or may not be offered by the NWL Occupational Health Service but they will advise you on where you can go to get this done.
You are advised to follow any instructions given by the NWL 

Should you have any queries regarding your OH Check, your first point of contact should be directly with the NWL Occupational Health Service:

You are advised to call rather than email for a prompt response.

Tel: 020 3317 3350
Email: [email protected]

North West London NHS Occupational Health Service
7A Woodfield Road
W9 2NW

If you are holding an offer for this programme, you will be required to undertake an Occupational Health (OH) screening for your placement experience.

Please be aware of the recent UK Government policy update about the need to be fully vaccinated before you commence your programme with us in September. View Guidance for Nursing, Midwifery and Nursing Associate Students.

The OH screening is carried out for various purposes:

  • To confirm your fitness to complete the course including placements
  • To indicate where additional support and adjustments are required for you to complete the placement aspects of your course

To confirm your fitness for employment within nursing.

You will need to undertake your OH check with Royal Free Hospital Occupational Health (OH) Trust.

Please do not go to or contact any other OH Trust for your OH Check.

The Royal Free Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected].

Please read this email and follow the link provided to complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire. This is also known as your pre-placement OH assessment.

Please complete this as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge. This includes details of any vaccinations you have received and the medical history that you have available to you or through contacting your GP.

You must complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire as soon as possible, this is to ensure there are no delays in starting your placement.

Upon receiving your completed OH Questionnaire, the Royal Free Hospital OH Team will contact you to arrange an appointment. Your appointment will take place on the Trust premises so please be prepared to travel to the hospital site when required.

You may also be required to attend follow-up appointments at the Trust. It is essential that you attend all appointments, including any follow-up appointments, as you will not receive OH clearance unless you do this.

When you come to your OH appointment, please bring with you:

  • Photographic identification (passport, driver’s licence or current Middlesex University student ID card if you have been issued one)
  • Your original completed OH Questionnaire
  • Evidence of any medication you're on
  • Your medical records

Make sure you:

  • Eat and drink prior to your appointment unless advised not to do so
  • Allow plenty of time to attend your appointment. If you are late, you will not be seen by the OH nurse or doctor

Please also note that you may be required to have an injection or a blood test at your appointment.

If you cannot attend your appointment, you must contact the Royal Free Hospital OH Trust directly, at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment.

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact RF, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

Please be aware that if you do not attend your appointment or inform RF within 48 Hours, a ‘did not attend’ (D.N.A) will be marked on your Occupational Health Record.

The University are notified of this and are charged.

Frequent D.N.A appointments are recorded by the University and can be escalated which may have implications on your placement.

Once you have attended all your appointments and have been fully Occupationally Health screened, the Royal Free Hospital OH Team will provide your OH clearance directly to the University.

Please note that you will not be allowed to attend placement without being OH cleared.

Should you be OH cleared with adjustments / recommendations, these will need to be reviewed by the University to ensure that any reasonable adjustments can be effectively implemented to enable you to undertake your programme of study safely.

Having HIV, Hepatitis B or C will not hinder you becoming a student nurse. However, there may be restrictions on certain types of practice experience.

Further information is available from the Department of Health documents:

Healthcare workers with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C

You will be encouraged to take the COVID-19 vaccination. This may or may not be offered by the Royal Free Hospital OH Trust but they will advise you on where you can go to get this done.
You are advised to follow any instructions given by the Royal Free Hospital OH Team at the earliest opportunity to avoid any inconvenience or delays with starting your course.

Should you have any queries regarding your OH Check, your first point of contact should be directly with the OH Team at the Royal Free Hospital:

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Email: [email protected]

Royal Free Hospital
Occupational Health and Wellbeing Centre
Pond Street

If you are holding an offer for this programme, you will be required to undertake an Occupational Health (OH) screening for your placement experience.

Please be aware of the recent UK Government policy update about the need to be fully vaccinated before you commence your programme with us in September. View Guidance for Nursing, Midwifery and Nursing Associate Students.

The OH screening is carried out for various purposes:

  • To confirm your fitness to complete the course including placements
  • To indicate where additional support and adjustments are required for you to complete the placement aspects of your course
  • To confirm your fitness for employment within nursing.


You will need to undertake your OH check with Royal Free Hospital Occupational Health (OH) Trust.

Please do not go to or contact any other OH Trust for your OH Check.

The RF Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected]

Please read this email and follow the link provided to complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire. This is also known as your pre-placement OH assessment.

Please complete this as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge. This includes details of any vaccinations you have received and the medical history that you have available to you or through contacting your GP.

You must complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire as soon as possible, this is to ensure there are no delays in starting your placement.

Upon receiving your completed OH Questionnaire, the Royal Free Hospital OH Team will contact you to arrange an appointment. Your appointment will take place on the Trust premises so please be prepared to travel to the hospital site when required.

You may also be required to attend follow-up appointments at the Trust. It is essential that you attend all appointments, including any follow-up appointments, as you will not receive OH clearance unless you do this.

When you come to your OH appointment, please bring with you:

  • Photographic identification (passport, driver’s licence or current Middlesex University student ID card if you have been issued one)
  • Your original completed OH Questionnaire
  • Evidence of any medication you're on
  • Your medical records

Make sure you:

  • Eat and drink prior to your appointment unless advised not to do so
  • Allow plenty of time to attend your appointment. If you are late, you will not be seen by the OH nurse or doctor

Please also note that you may be required to have an injection or a blood test at your appointment.

If you cannot attend your appointment, you must contact the Royal Free Hospital OH Trust directly, at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment.

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact RF, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

Please be aware that if you do not attend your appointment or inform RF within 48 Hours, a ‘did not attend’ (D.N.A) will be marked on your Occupational Health Record.

The University are notified of this and are charged.

Frequent D.N.A appointments are recorded by the University and can be escalated which may have implications on your placement.

Once you have attended all your appointments and have been fully Occupationally Health screened, the Royal Free Hospital OH Team will provide your OH clearance directly to the University.

Please note that you will not be allowed to attend placement without being OH cleared.

Should you be OH cleared with adjustments / recommendations, these will need to be reviewed by the University to ensure that any reasonable adjustments can be effectively implemented to enable you to undertake your programme of study safely.

Having HIV, Hepatitis B or C will not hinder you becoming a student nurse. However, there may be restrictions on certain types of practice experience.

Further information is available from the Department of Health documents:

Healthcare workers with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C

You will be encouraged to take the COVID-19 vaccination. This may or may not be offered by the Royal Free Hospital OH Trust but they will advise you on where you can go to get this done.
You are advised to follow any instructions given by the Royal Free Hospital OH Team at the earliest opportunity to avoid any inconvenience or delays with starting your course.

Should you have any queries regarding your OH Check, your first point of contact should be directly with the OH Team at the Royal Free Hospital:

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Email: [email protected]

Royal Free Hospital
Occupational Health and Wellbeing Centre
Pond Street

If you are holding an offer for this programme, you will be required to undertake an Occupational Health (OH) screening for your placement experience.

Please be aware of the recent UK Government policy update about the need to be fully vaccinated before you commence your programme with us in February. View Guidance for Nursing, Midwifery and Nursing Associate Students.

The OH screening is carried out for various purposes:

  • To confirm your fitness to complete the course including placements
  • To indicate where additional support and adjustments are required for you to complete the placement aspects of your course

To confirm your fitness for employment within nursing.

You will need to undertake your OH check with Royal Free Hospital Occupational Health (OH) Trust.

Please do not go to or contact any other OH Trust for your OH Check.

The Royal Free Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected].

Please read this email and follow the link provided to complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire. This is also known as your pre-placement OH assessment.

Please complete this as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge. This includes details of any vaccinations you have received and the medical history that you have available to you or through contacting your GP.

You must complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire as soon as possible, this is to ensure there are no delays in starting your placement.

Upon receiving your completed OH Questionnaire, the Royal Free Hospital OH Team will contact you to arrange an appointment. Your appointment will take place on the Trust premises so please be prepared to travel to the hospital site when required.

You may also be required to attend follow-up appointments at the Trust. It is essential that you attend all appointments, including any follow-up appointments, as you will not receive OH clearance unless you do this.

When you come to your OH appointment, please bring with you:

  • Photographic identification (passport, driver’s licence or current Middlesex University student ID card if you have been issued one)
  • Your original completed OH Questionnaire
  • Evidence of any medication you're on
  • Your medical records

Make sure you:

  • Eat and drink prior to your appointment unless advised not to do so
  • Allow plenty of time to attend your appointment. If you are late, you will not be seen by the OH nurse or doctor

Please also note that you may be required to have an injection or a blood test at your appointment.

If you cannot attend your appointment, you must contact the Royal Free Hospital OH Trust directly, at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment.

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact RF, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

Please be aware that if you do not attend your appointment or inform RF within 48 Hours, a ‘did not attend’ (D.N.A) will be marked on your Occupational Health Record.

The University are notified of this and are charged.

Frequent D.N.A appointments are recorded by the University and can be escalated which may have implications on your placement.

Once you have attended all your appointments and have been fully Occupationally Health screened, the Royal Free Hospital OH Team will provide your OH clearance directly to the University.

Please note that you will not be allowed to attend placement without being OH cleared.

Should you be OH cleared with adjustments / recommendations, these will need to be reviewed by the University to ensure that any reasonable adjustments can be effectively implemented to enable you to undertake your programme of study safely.

Having HIV, Hepatitis B or C will not hinder you becoming a student nurse. However, there may be restrictions on certain types of practice experience.

Further information is available from the Department of Health documents:

Healthcare workers with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C

You will be encouraged to take the COVID-19 vaccination. This may or may not be offered by the Royal Free Hospital OH Trust but they will advise you on where you can go to get this done.

You are advised to follow any instructions given by the Royal Free Hospital OH Team at the earliest opportunity to avoid any inconvenience or delays with starting your course.

Should you have any queries regarding your OH Check, your first point of contact should be directly with the OH Team at the Royal Free Hospital:

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Email: [email protected]

Royal Free Hospital
Occupational Health and Wellbeing Centre
Pond Street



Midwifery - course specific information

If you are holding an offer for this programme, you will be required to undertake an Occupational Health (OH) screening for your placement experience.

Please be aware of the recent UK Government policy update about the need to be fully vaccinated before you commence your programme with us in September. View Guidance for Nursing, Midwifery and Nursing Associate Students.

The OH screening is carried out for various purposes:

  • To confirm your fitness to complete the course including placements
  • To indicate where additional support and adjustments are required for you to complete the placement aspects of your course
  • To confirm your fitness for employment within midwifery.


You will need to undertake your OH check with North Middlesex University Hospital Occupational Health (OH) Trust.

Please do not go to or contact any other OH Trust for your OH Check.

The North Middlesex Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected].

Please read this email and follow the link provided to complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire. This is also known as your pre-placement OH assessment.

Please complete this as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge. This includes details of any vaccinations you have received and the medical history that you have available to you or through contacting your GP.

You must complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire as soon as possible, this is to ensure there are no delays in starting your placement.

Upon receiving your completed OH Questionnaire, the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Team will arrange an appointment for you. Your appointment letter will be emailed to you at the email address on your health questionnaire. Please make sure you regularly check your emails, including your junk/ spam folder. Your appointment will take place on the Trust premises so please be prepared to travel to the hospital site when required.

You may also be required to attend follow-up appointments at the Trust. It is essential that you attend all appointments, including any follow-up appointments, as you will not receive OH clearance unless you do this.

When you come to your OH appointment, please bring with you:

  • Photographic identification (passport, driver’s licence or current Middlesex University student ID card if you have been issued one)
  • Your original completed OH Questionnaire
  • Evidence of any medication you're on
  • Your medical records

Make sure you:

  • Eat and drink prior to your appointment unless advised not to do so
  • Allow plenty of time to attend your appointment. If you are late, you will not be seen by the OH nurse or doctor

Please also note that you may be required to have an injection or a blood test at your appointment.

If you cannot attend your appointment, you must contact the North Middlesex Occupational Health Trust directly, at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment.

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact NM, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 020 8887 2328 / 3124

Or if this is not possible please email:  [email protected]

Please be aware that if you do not attend your appointment or inform NM within 48 Hours, a ‘did not attend’ (D.N.A) will be marked on your Occupational Health Record.

The University are notified of this and are charged.

Frequent D.N.A appointments are recorded by the University and can be escalated which may have implications on your placement.

Once you have attended all your appointments and have been fully Occupationally Health screened, the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Team will provide your OH clearance directly to the University.

Please note that you will not be allowed to attend placement without being OH cleared.

Should you be OH cleared with adjustments / recommendations, these will need to be reviewed by the University to ensure that any reasonable adjustments can be effectively implemented to enable you to undertake your programme of study safely.

Having HIV, Hepatitis B or C will not hinder you becoming a student midwife. However, there may be restrictions on certain types of practice experience.

Further information is available from the Department of Health documents:

Healthcare workers with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C

You will be encouraged to take the COVID-19 vaccination. This may or may not be offered by the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Trust but they will advise you on where you can go to get this done.
You are advised to follow any instructions given by the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Team at the earliest opportunity to avoid any inconvenience or delays with starting your course.

Should you have any queries regarding your OH Check, your first point of contact should be directly with the OH Team at the North Middlesex University Hospital:

Tel: 020 8887 2328 / 3124

Email: [email protected]

North Middlesex University Hospital
Occupational Health Unit
Sterling Way
N18 1QX

If you are holding an offer for this programme, you will be required to undertake an Occupational Health (OH) screening for your placement experience.

Please be aware of the recent UK Government policy update about the need to be fully vaccinated before you commence your programme with us in September. View Guidance for Nursing, Midwifery and Nursing Associate Students.

The OH screening is carried out for various purposes:

  • To confirm your fitness to complete the course including placements
  • To indicate where additional support and adjustments are required for you to complete the placement aspects of your course
  • To confirm your fitness for employment within midwifery.


We currently use four different NHS Trusts to provide Occupational Health (OH) Checks for our applicants and students on this programme. Our Admissions team will inform you which OH Trust you are assigned to.

Usually, this will be at the same Trust where you will be based for your clinical placements throughout your course. Please note that the OH Check process for each Trust is different. Once you know which Trust you need to undertake your OH Check with, please see below guidance and instructions of the OH Check process for your specific Trust only.

Please do not go to or contact any other OH Trust for your OH Check other than the one you have been assigned to.

You will be required to attend an OH appointment between July and August.

The NWL Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected].

Please follow the instructions provided but do not reply to this email address as it's not monitored. Please check your junk/spam folder if you have not received this email.

Please complete the OH Questionnaire as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge, including any immunisation and medical history you have available to you or that you can obtain from your GP. You have the option to also attach any evidence (PDF format only) to your OH Questionnaire.

You must complete your OH Questionnaire as soon as possible to avoid any delays in starting your placement.

The OH Check process can take several months to complete in full. Please note that for some programme’s placements start as early as October.

Once you have fully completed your OH Questionnaire, please ensure that you select Submit so that your completed OH Questionnaire returns to the NWL Occupational Health Service for assessment.

The RF Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected]

Please read this email and follow the link provided to complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire. This is also known as your pre-placement OH assessment.

Please complete this as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge. This includes details of any vaccinations you have received and the medical history that you have available to you or through contacting your GP.

You must complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire as soon as possible, this is to ensure there are no delays in starting your placement.

The North Middlesex Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected]

Please read this email and follow the link provided to complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire. This is also known as your pre-placement OH assessment.

Please complete this as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge. This includes details of any vaccinations you have received and the medical history that you have available to you or through contacting your GP.

You must complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire as soon as possible, this is to ensure there are no delays in starting your placement.

If you have been assigned to undertake your Occupational Health (OH) Check with Barking, Havering and Redbridge (BHR) University Hospitals Occupational Health Trust (Queen's Hospital), you will need to follow the guidance below.

The OH Check process

Please download the Occupational Health (OH) Questionnaire and complete it as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge, including any immunisation and medical history you have available to you or that you can obtain from your GP. The questionnaire itself is a fillable PDF form.

You must complete your OH Questionnaire as soon as possible to avoid any delays in starting your placement.

The OH Check process can take several months to complete in full. Please note that for this programme, placements start in October.

Once you have fully completed your OH Questionnaire, please email it (PDF only) to [email protected]

Your OH appointment

Upon receiving your completed OH Questionnaire, the Barking, Havering and Redbridge OH Team will contact you to arrange an appointment to attend one of their clinics. Clinics take place on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday.

Your appointment will take place on the Trust premises so please be prepared to travel to the hospital site when required.

You may also be required to attend follow-up appointments at the Trust. It is essential that you attend all appointments, including any follow-up appointments, as you will not receive OH clearance unless you do this.

Please be aware that if you do not attend your scheduled OH appointments or inform your assigned Trust within 48 Hours, a ‘did not attend’ (D.N.A) will be marked on your Occupational Health Record.

The University are notified of this and are charged.

Frequent D.N.A appointments are recorded by the University and can be escalated which may have implications on your placement.

North West London Occupational Health Service

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact NWL, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 020 3317 3350

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

North West London NHS Occupational Health Service
7A Woodfield Road
W9 2NW

Royal Free Occupational Health Service

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact RF, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

Royal Free Hospital
Occupational Health and Wellbeing Centre
Pond Street

North Middlesex Occupational Health Service

If you cannot attend your appointment, you must contact the North Middlesex Occupational Health Trust directly, at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment.

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact NM, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 020 8887 2328 / 3124

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

Barking, Havering and Redbridge Occupational Health Service

If you cannot attend your OH appointment, you must contact Barking, Havering and Redbridge Occupational Health service directly. With, at least 48 hours of notice.

Tel: 01708 504 162
Email: [email protected]

Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
Occupational Health Services
Queen's Hospital
Rom Valley Way

Veterinary Nursing

Veterinary Nursing

Veterinary Nursing - course specific information

If you are holding an offer for this programme, you will be required to undertake an Occupational Health (OH) screening for your placement experience.

The OH screening is carried out for various purposes:

  • To confirm your fitness to complete the course including placements
  • To indicate where additional support and adjustments are required for you to complete the placement aspects of your course
  • To confirm your fitness for employment within veterinary nursing.


You will need to undertake your OH check with the North West London (NWL) Occupational Health Service.

Please do not go to or contact any other OH Trust for your OH Check.

The NWL Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected].

Please follow the instructions provided but do not reply to this email address as it's not monitored. Please check your junk/spam folder if you have not received this email.

Please complete the OH Questionnaire as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge, including any immunisation and medical history you have available to you or that you can obtain from your GP. You have the option to also attach any evidence (PDF format only) to your OH Questionnaire.

You must complete your OH Questionnaire as soon as possible to avoid any delays in starting your placement.

The OH Check process can take several months to complete in full. Please note that for some programmes placements start as early as October.

Once you have fully completed your OH Questionnaire, please ensure that you select Submit so that your completed OH Questionnaire returns to the NWL Occupational Health Service for assessment.

You will be contacted by the NWL Occupational Health Service to arrange an appointment. Appointments are usually via telephone call or video link.

You may also be required to attend follow-up appointments. It is essential that you attend all appointments, including any follow-up appointments, as you will not receive OH clearance unless you do this.

Please note on very rare occasions you may be required to attend the Trust premises for your appointment(s) so please be prepared to travel to the hospital site, if required.

When you come to your OH appointment, please bring with you:

  • Information about any medication you're on
  • Your medical records

If required to attend an appointment at the OH Trust, please make sure you also:

  • Have photographic identification (passport, driver's licence or current Middlesex University student ID card, if you have already been issued one)
  • Eat and drink prior to your appointment unless advised not to do so
  • Allow plenty of time to attend your appointment. If you are late, you will not be seen by the OH nurse or doctor

Please also note that you may be required to have an injection or a blood test at your appointment.

If you cannot attend your appointment, you must contact the NWL Occupational Health Service directly, at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment.

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact NWL, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 020 3317 3350

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

Please be aware that if you do not attend your appointment or inform NWL within 48 Hours, a ‘did not attend’ (D.N.A) will be marked on your Occupational Health Record.

The University are notified of this and are charged.

Frequent D.N.A appointments are recorded by the University and can be escalated to senior management which may have implications on your placement.

You will be encouraged to take the COVID-19 vaccination. This may or may not be offered by the NWL Occupational Health Service but they will advise you on where you can go to get this done.
You are advised to follow any instructions given by the NWL Occupational Health Service at the earliest opportunity.

During your course, you must communicate any change in health to your programme leader and programme team. If a change has occurred, the programme leader will arrange a meeting to determine if the change may have an impact on your ability to undertake the course. If an impact is identified, the programme leader will arrange for a referral to OH for a health screening reassessment.
If you have a period of four or more weeks sick leave (regardless of prior medical or health condition), this will be referred by the programme leader to OH for a health screening reassessment on your return to studies and prior to any placements.
Your results and Occupational Health's medical opinion is communicated to the programme team who will arrange for you to meet and discuss the outcome of the screening and the implications of the assessment.

Should you have any queries regarding your OH Check, your first point of contact should be directly with the NWL Occupational Health Service:

You are advised to call rather than email for a prompt response.

Tel: 020 3317 3350
Email: [email protected]

North West London NHS Occupational Health Service
7A Woodfield Road
W9 2NW

If you are holding an offer for this programme, you will be required to undertake an Occupational Health (OH) screening for your placement experience.

The OH screening is carried out for various purposes:

  • To confirm your fitness to complete the course including placements
  • To indicate where additional support and adjustments are required for you to complete the placement aspects of your course
  • To confirm your fitness for employment within veterinary nursing.


You will need to undertake your OH check with the North West London (NWL) Occupational Health Service.

Please do not go to or contact any other OH Trust for your OH Check.

The NWL Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected].

Please follow the instructions provided but do not reply to this email address as it's not monitored. Please check your junk/spam folder if you have not received this email.

Please complete the OH Questionnaire as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge, including any immunisation and medical history you have available to you or that you can obtain from your GP. You have the option to also attach any evidence (PDF format only) to your OH Questionnaire.

You must complete your OH Questionnaire as soon as possible to avoid any delays in starting your placement.

The OH Check process can take several months to complete in full. Please note that for some programmes placements start as early as October.

Once you have fully completed your OH Questionnaire, please ensure that you select Submit so that your completed OH Questionnaire returns to the NWL Occupational Health Service for assessment.

You will be contacted by the NWL Occupational Health Service to arrange an appointment. Appointments are usually via telephone call or video link.

You may also be required to attend follow-up appointments. It is essential that you attend all appointments, including any follow-up appointments, as you will not receive OH clearance unless you do this.

Please note on very rare occasions you may be required to attend the Trust premises for your appointment(s) so please be prepared to travel to the hospital site, if required.

When you come to your OH appointment, please bring with you:

  • Information about any medication you're on
  • Your medical records

If required to attend an appointment at the OH Trust, please make sure you also:

  • Have photographic identification (passport, driver's licence or current Middlesex University student ID card, if you have already been issued one)
  • Eat and drink prior to your appointment unless advised not to do so
  • Allow plenty of time to attend your appointment. If you are late, you will not be seen by the OH nurse or doctor

Please also note that you may be required to have an injection or a blood test at your appointment.

If you cannot attend your appointment, you must contact the NWL Occupational Health Service directly, at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment.

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact NWL, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 020 3317 3350

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

Please be aware that if you do not attend your appointment or inform NWL within 48 Hours, a ‘did not attend’ (D.N.A) will be marked on your Occupational Health Record.

The University are notified of this and are charged.

Frequent D.N.A appointments are recorded by the University and can be escalated to senior management which may have implications on your placement.

You will be encouraged to take the COVID-19 vaccination. This may or may not be offered by the NWL Occupational Health Service but they will advise you on where you can go to get this done.
You are advised to follow any instructions given by the NWL Occupational Health Service at the earliest opportunity.

During your course, you must communicate any change in health to your programme leader and programme team. If a change has occurred, the programme leader will arrange a meeting to determine if the change may have an impact on your ability to undertake the course. If an impact is identified, the programme leader will arrange for a referral to OH for a health screening reassessment.
If you have a period of four or more weeks sick leave (regardless of prior medical or health condition), this will be referred by the programme leader to OH for a health screening reassessment on your return to studies and prior to any placements.
Your results and Occupational Health's medical opinion is communicated to the programme team who will arrange for you to meet and discuss the outcome of the screening and the implications of the assessment.

Should you have any queries regarding your OH Check, your first point of contact should be directly with the NWL Occupational Health Service:

You are advised to call rather than email for a prompt response.

Tel: 020 3317 3350
Email: [email protected]

North West London NHS Occupational Health Service
7A Woodfield Road
W9 2NW

Healthcare Science

Healthcare Science

Healthcare Science - course specific information

If you are holding an offer for this programme, you will be required to undertake an Occupational Health (OH) screening for your placement experience.

The OH screening is carried out for various purposes:

  • To confirm your fitness to complete the course including placements
  • To indicate where additional support and adjustments are required for you to complete the placement aspects of your course
  • To confirm your fitness for employment within healthcare science.


You will need to undertake your OH check with North Middlesex University Hospital Occupational Health (OH) Trust.

Please do not go to or contact any other OH Trust for your OH Check.

The North Middlesex Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected].

Please read this email and follow the link provided to complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire. This is also known as your pre-placement OH assessment.

Please complete this as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge. This includes details of any vaccinations you have received and the medical history that you have available to you or through contacting your GP.

You must complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire as soon as possible, this is to ensure there are no delays in starting your placement.

Upon receiving your completed OH Questionnaire, the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Team will arrange an appointment for you. Your appointment letter will be emailed to you at the email address on your health questionnaire. Please make sure you regularly check your emails, including your junk/ spam folder. Your appointment will take place on the Trust premises so please be prepared to travel to the hospital site when required.

You may also be required to attend follow-up appointments at the Trust. It is essential that you attend all appointments, including any follow-up appointments, as you will not receive OH clearance unless you do this.

When you come to your OH appointment, please bring with you:

  • Photographic identification (passport, driver’s licence or current Middlesex University student ID card if you have been issued one)
  • Your original completed OH Questionnaire
  • Evidence of any medication you're on
  • Your medical records

Make sure you:

  • Eat and drink prior to your appointment unless advised not to do so
  • Allow plenty of time to attend your appointment. If you are late, you will not be seen by the OH nurse or doctor

Please also note that you may be required to have an injection or a blood test at your appointment.

If you cannot attend your appointment, you must contact the North Middlesex (NM) Occupational Health Trust directly, at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment.

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact NM, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 020 8887 2328 / 3124

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

Please be aware that if you do not attend your appointment or inform NM within 48 Hours, a ‘did not attend’ (D.N.A) will be marked on your Occupational Health Record.

The University are notified of this and are charged.

Frequent D.N.A appointments are recorded by the University and can be escalated which may have implications on your placement.

Once you have attended all your appointments and have been fully Occupationally Health screened, the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Team will provide your OH clearance directly to the University.

Please note that you will not be allowed to attend placement without being OH cleared.

Should you be OH cleared with adjustments / recommendations, these will need to be reviewed by the University to ensure that any reasonable adjustments can be effectively implemented to enable you to undertake your programme of study safely.

Having HIV, Hepatitis B or C will not hinder you becoming a healthcare worker. However, there may be restrictions on certain types of practice experience.

Further information is available from the Department of Health documents:

Healthcare workers with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C

You will be encouraged to take the COVID-19 vaccination. This may or may not be offered by the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Trust but they will advise you on where you can go to get this done.
You are advised to follow any instructions given by the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Team at the earliest opportunity to avoid any inconvenience or delays with starting your course.

Should you have any queries regarding your OH Check, your first point of contact should be directly with the OH Team at the North Middlesex University Hospital:

Tel: 020 8887 2328 / 3124

Email: [email protected]

North Middlesex University Hospital
Occupational Health Unit
Sterling Way
N18 1QX

If you are holding an offer for this programme, you will be required to undertake an Occupational Health (OH) screening for your placement experience.

The OH screening is carried out for various purposes:

  • To confirm your fitness to complete the course including placements
  • To indicate where additional support and adjustments are required for you to complete the placement aspects of your course
  • To confirm your fitness for employment within healthcare science.


You will need to undertake your OH check with North Middlesex University Hospital Occupational Health (OH) Trust.

Please do not go to or contact any other OH Trust for your OH Check.

The North Middlesex Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected].

Please read this email and follow the link provided to complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire. This is also known as your pre-placement OH assessment.

Please complete this as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge. This includes details of any vaccinations you have received and the medical history that you have available to you or through contacting your GP.

You must complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire as soon as possible, this is to ensure there are no delays in starting your placement.

Upon receiving your completed OH Questionnaire, the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Team will arrange an appointment for you. Your appointment letter will be emailed to you at the email address on your health questionnaire. Please make sure you regularly check your emails, including your junk/ spam folder. Your appointment will take place on the Trust premises so please be prepared to travel to the hospital site when required.

You may also be required to attend follow-up appointments at the Trust. It is essential that you attend all appointments, including any follow-up appointments, as you will not receive OH clearance unless you do this.

When you come to your OH appointment, please bring with you:

  • Photographic identification (passport, driver’s licence or current Middlesex University student ID card if you have been issued one)
  • Your original completed OH Questionnaire
  • Evidence of any medication you're on
  • Your medical records

Make sure you:

  • Eat and drink prior to your appointment unless advised not to do so
  • Allow plenty of time to attend your appointment. If you are late, you will not be seen by the OH nurse or doctor

Please also note that you may be required to have an injection or a blood test at your appointment.

If you cannot attend your appointment, you must contact the North Middlesex (NM) Occupational Health Trust directly, at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment.

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact NM, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 020 8887 2328 / 3124

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

Please be aware that if you do not attend your appointment or inform NM within 48 Hours, a ‘did not attend’ (D.N.A) will be marked on your Occupational Health Record.

The University are notified of this and are charged.

Frequent D.N.A appointments are recorded by the University and can be escalated which may have implications on your placement.

Once you have attended all your appointments and have been fully Occupationally Health screened, the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Team will provide your OH clearance directly to the University.

Please note that you will not be allowed to attend placement without being OH cleared.

Should you be OH cleared with adjustments / recommendations, these will need to be reviewed by the University to ensure that any reasonable adjustments can be effectively implemented to enable you to undertake your programme of study safely.

Having HIV, Hepatitis B or C will not hinder you becoming a healthcare worker. However, there may be restrictions on certain types of practice experience.

Further information is available from the Department of Health documents:

Healthcare workers with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C

You will be encouraged to take the COVID-19 vaccination. This may or may not be offered by the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Trust but they will advise you on where you can go to get this done.
You are advised to follow any instructions given by the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Team at the earliest opportunity to avoid any inconvenience or delays with starting your course.

Should you have any queries regarding your OH Check, your first point of contact should be directly with the OH Team at the North Middlesex University Hospital:

Tel: 020 8887 2328 / 3124

Email: [email protected]

North Middlesex University Hospital
Occupational Health Unit
Sterling Way
N18 1QX

If you are holding an offer for this programme, you will be required to undertake an Occupational Health (OH) screening for your placement experience.

The OH screening is carried out for various purposes:

  • To confirm your fitness to complete the course including placements
  • To indicate where additional support and adjustments are required for you to complete the placement aspects of your course
  • To confirm your fitness for employment within healthcare science.


You will need to undertake your OH check with North Middlesex University Hospital Occupational Health (OH) Trust.

Please do not go to or contact any other OH Trust for your OH Check.

Please download the Occupational Health (OH) Questionnaire and complete it as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge, including any immunisation and medical history you have available to you or that you can obtain from your GP. The questionnaire itself is a fillable PDF form.

You must complete your OH Questionnaire as soon as possible to avoid any delays in starting your placement.

The OH Check process can take several months to complete in full. Please note that for some programmes placements start as early as October.

Once you have fully completed your OH Questionnaire, please email it (PDF only) to [email protected]

Upon receiving your completed OH Questionnaire, the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Team will arrange an appointment for you. Your appointment letter will be emailed to you at the email address on your health questionnaire. Please make sure you regularly check your emails, including your junk/ spam folder. Your appointment will take place on the Trust premises so please be prepared to travel to the hospital site when required.

You may also be required to attend follow-up appointments at the Trust. It is essential that you attend all appointments, including any follow-up appointments, as you will not receive OH clearance unless you do this.

When you come to your OH appointment, please bring with you:

  • Photographic identification (passport, driver’s licence or current Middlesex University student ID card if you have been issued one)
  • Your original completed OH Questionnaire
  • Evidence of any medication you're on
  • Your medical records

Make sure you:

  • Eat and drink prior to your appointment unless advised not to do so
  • Allow plenty of time to attend your appointment. If you are late, you will not be seen by the OH nurse or doctor

Please also note that you may be required to have an injection or a blood test at your appointment.

If you cannot attend your appointment, you must contact the North Middlesex University Hospital Occupational Health (OH) Trust directly, at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment. You will find their contact details in the communication you've been sent as well as below.
Please be advised if you do not attend your appointments and do not inform them at least 48 hours in advance that you will not be able to attend or will be late for your appointment, you will be marked as ‘did not attend’ and the cost of the missed appointment may be passed on to you.
The cost of a missed appointment is approximately £75 - £200 depending on the type of appointment and the individual Trust policies. This also includes appointments arranged via video link.

Once you have attended all your appointments and have been fully Occupationally Health screened, the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Team will provide your OH clearance directly to the University.

Please note that you will not be allowed to attend placement without being OH cleared.

Should you be OH cleared with adjustments / recommendations, these will need to be reviewed by the University to ensure that any reasonable adjustments can be effectively implemented to enable you to undertake your programme of study safely.

Having HIV, Hepatitis B or C will not hinder you becoming a healthcare worker. However, there may be restrictions on certain types of practice experience.

Further information is available from the Department of Health documents:

Healthcare workers with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C

You will be encouraged to take the COVID-19 vaccination. This may or may not be offered by the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Trust but they will advise you on where you can go to get this done.
You are advised to follow any instructions given by the North Middlesex University Hospital OH Team at the earliest opportunity to avoid any inconvenience or delays with starting your course.

Should you have any queries regarding your OH Check, your first point of contact should be directly with the OH Team at the North Middlesex University Hospital:

Tel: 020 8887 2328 / 3124

Email address to send completed OH Questionnaire to: [email protected]

North Middlesex University Hospital
Occupational Health Unit
Sterling Way
N18 1QX

Initial Teacher Training

Initial Teacher Training

Initial Teacher Training - course specific information

Please read the guidance below before completing the Occupational Health Questionnaire for your Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Course.

We are required by the Department for Education (DfE) to determine that all students beginning programmes of ITT have the health and physical capacity to teach and will not put children and young people at risk or harm.

We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for students with health conditions and disabilities. We will provide all reasonable support to enable students with any disability or health condition to complete an Initial Teacher Training programme.

Some health conditions or impairments might need further assessment by a health professional so if you make a positive declaration on your Occupational Health (OH) Questionnaire, you may be contacted by the Occupational Health Service to assess this with you.

Your OH Health Check will be undertaken by the Royal Free (RF) Hospital Trust Occupational Health Service.

The RF Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected].

Please read this email and follow the link provided to complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire. This is also known as your pre-placement OH assessment.

Please complete this as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge. This includes details of any vaccinations you have received and the medical history that you have available to you or through contacting your GP.

You must complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire as soon as possible, this is to ensure there are no delays in starting your placement.

Upon receiving your completed ITT Health Questionnaire, the Royal Free Hospital Trust Occupational Health Service may arrange an appointment to meet with you.

If you have an appointment but are unable to attend, you must contact the Royal Free Hospital Trust Occupational Health Service directly at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment. 

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact RF, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

Please be aware that if you do not attend your appointment or inform RF within 48 Hours, a ‘did not attend’ (D.N.A) will be marked on your Occupational Health Record.

The University are notified of this and are charged.

Frequent D.N.A appointments are recorded by the University and can be escalated which may have implications on your placement.

We strongly advise that you inform your programme leader if you are a new or expectant mother. Appropriate risk assessment of placement settings can then be arranged to ensure that you are not exposed to hazards in the work place that may pose a risk to you or your unborn child.

Our Disability and Dyslexia Service provide guidance and support for prospective and current students. If you have any health condition or learning impairment that you think may need additional support, we strongly recommend that you talk to our team as well as your programme leader.

We have listed examples of impairments or health conditions that might require further assessment below. Please note that we can only consider adjustments for school-based training placements if the health condition or impairment has been assessed by Occupational Health.

  • Functional capabilities
    • Mobility (e.g. walking, using stairs, balance, travel by public transport)
    • Agility (e.g. bending, reaching up, kneeling down)
    • Dexterity (e.g. getting dressed, writing, using tools)
    • Physical exertion (e.g. lifting, carrying, running)
    • Communication (e.g. speech, hearing)
    • Vision (e.g. visual impairment, colour blindness, tunnel vision)
    • Learning (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, impaired concentration).
  • Health conditions
    • Infection (generally skin or respiratory disorders, e.g. psoriasis, eczema, TB)
    • Neurological disorders (e.g. epilepsy, multiple sclerosis)
    • Allergies (e.g. latex, medicines, foods)
    • Endocrine disease (e.g. diabetes)
    • Sudden loss of consciousness (e.g. a fit or seizure)
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome (or similar condition)
    • Mental health problems (e.g. anxiety, depression, phobias, OCD, nervous breakdown, personality disorder, over-dose or self-harm, drug or alcohol dependency)

An eating disorder (e.g. bulimia, anorexia nervosa, compulsive).

Should you have any queries regarding your ITT Health Check, your first point of contact should be directly with the Occupational Health (OH) Team at the Royal Free Hospital:

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Email: [email protected]

Royal Free Hospital
Occupational Health and Wellbeing Centre
Pond Street

Please read the guidance below before completing the Occupational Health Questionnaire for your Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Course.

We are required by the Department for Education (DfE) to determine that all students beginning programmes of ITT have the health and physical capacity to teach and will not put children and young people at risk or harm.

We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for students with health conditions and disabilities. We will provide all reasonable support to enable students with any disability or health condition to complete an Initial Teacher Training programme.

Some health conditions or impairments might need further assessment by a health professional so if you make a positive declaration on your Occupational Health (OH) Questionnaire, you may be contacted by the Occupational Health Service to assess this with you.

Your OH Health Check will be undertaken by the Royal Free (RF) Hospital Trust Occupational Health Service.

The RF Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected].

Please read this email and follow the link provided to complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire. This is also known as your pre-placement OH assessment.

Please complete this as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge. This includes details of any vaccinations you have received and the medical history that you have available to you or through contacting your GP.

You must complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire as soon as possible, this is to ensure there are no delays in starting your placement.

Upon receiving your completed ITT Health Questionnaire, the Royal Free Hospital Trust Occupational Health Service may arrange an appointment to meet with you.

If you have an appointment but are unable to attend, you must contact the Royal Free Hospital Trust Occupational Health Service directly at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment. 

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact RF, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

Please be aware that if you do not attend your appointment or inform RF within 48 Hours, a ‘did not attend’ (D.N.A) will be marked on your Occupational Health Record.

The University are notified of this and are charged.

Frequent D.N.A appointments are recorded by the University and can be escalated which may have implications on your placement.

We strongly advise that you inform your programme leader if you are a new or expectant mother. Appropriate risk assessment of placement settings can then be arranged to ensure that you are not exposed to hazards in the work place that may pose a risk to you or your unborn child.

Our Disability and Dyslexia Service provide guidance and support for prospective and current students. If you have any health condition or learning impairment that you think may need additional support, we strongly recommend that you talk to our team as well as your programme leader.

We have listed examples of impairments or health conditions that might require further assessment below. Please note that we can only consider adjustments for school-based training placements if the health condition or impairment has been assessed by Occupational Health.

  • Functional capabilities
    • Mobility (e.g. walking, using stairs, balance, travel by public transport)
    • Agility (e.g. bending, reaching up, kneeling down)
    • Dexterity (e.g. getting dressed, writing, using tools)
    • Physical exertion (e.g. lifting, carrying, running)
    • Communication (e.g. speech, hearing)
    • Vision (e.g. visual impairment, colour blindness, tunnel vision)
    • Learning (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, impaired concentration).
  • Health conditions
    • Infection (generally skin or respiratory disorders, e.g. psoriasis, eczema, TB)
    • Neurological disorders (e.g. epilepsy, multiple sclerosis)
    • Allergies (e.g. latex, medicines, foods)
    • Endocrine disease (e.g. diabetes)
    • Sudden loss of consciousness (e.g. a fit or seizure)
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome (or similar condition)
    • Mental health problems (e.g. anxiety, depression, phobias, OCD, nervous breakdown, personality disorder, over-dose or self-harm, drug or alcohol dependency)

An eating disorder (e.g. bulimia, anorexia nervosa, compulsive).

Should you have any queries regarding your ITT Health Check, your first point of contact should be directly with the Occupational Health (OH) Team at the Royal Free Hospital:

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Email: [email protected]

Royal Free Hospital
Occupational Health and Wellbeing Centre
Pond Street

Please read the guidance below before completing the Occupational Health Questionnaire for your Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Course.

We are required by the Department for Education (DfE) to determine that all students beginning programmes of ITT have the health and physical capacity to teach and will not put children and young people at risk or harm.

We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for students with health conditions and disabilities. We will provide all reasonable support to enable students with any disability or health condition to complete an Initial Teacher Training programme.

Some health conditions or impairments might need further assessment by a health professional so if you make a positive declaration on your Occupational Health (OH) Questionnaire, you may be contacted by the Occupational Health Service to assess this with you.

Your OH Health Check will be undertaken by the Royal Free (RF) Hospital Trust Occupational Health Service.

The RF Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected].

Please read this email and follow the link provided to complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire. This is also known as your pre-placement OH assessment.

Please complete this as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge. This includes details of any vaccinations you have received and the medical history that you have available to you or through contacting your GP.

You must complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire as soon as possible, this is to ensure there are no delays in starting your placement.

Upon receiving your completed ITT Health Questionnaire, the Royal Free Hospital Trust Occupational Health Service may arrange an appointment to meet with you.

If you have an appointment but are unable to attend, you must contact the Royal Free Hospital Trust Occupational Health Service directly at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment. 

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact RF, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

Please be aware that if you do not attend your appointment or inform RF within 48 Hours, a ‘did not attend’ (D.N.A) will be marked on your Occupational Health Record.

The University are notified of this and are charged.

Frequent D.N.A appointments are recorded by the University and can be escalated which may have implications on your placement.

We strongly advise that you inform your programme leader if you are a new or expectant mother. Appropriate risk assessment of placement settings can then be arranged to ensure that you are not exposed to hazards in the work place that may pose a risk to you or your unborn child.

Our Disability and Dyslexia Service provide guidance and support for prospective and current students. If you have any health condition or learning impairment that you think may need additional support, we strongly recommend that you talk to our team as well as your programme leader.

We have listed examples of impairments or health conditions that might require further assessment below. Please note that we can only consider adjustments for school-based training placements if the health condition or impairment has been assessed by Occupational Health.

  • Functional capabilities
    • Mobility (e.g. walking, using stairs, balance, travel by public transport)
    • Agility (e.g. bending, reaching up, kneeling down)
    • Dexterity (e.g. getting dressed, writing, using tools)
    • Physical exertion (e.g. lifting, carrying, running)
    • Communication (e.g. speech, hearing)
    • Vision (e.g. visual impairment, colour blindness, tunnel vision)
    • Learning (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, impaired concentration).
  • Health conditions
    • Infection (generally skin or respiratory disorders, e.g. psoriasis, eczema, TB)
    • Neurological disorders (e.g. epilepsy, multiple sclerosis)
    • Allergies (e.g. latex, medicines, foods)
    • Endocrine disease (e.g. diabetes)
    • Sudden loss of consciousness (e.g. a fit or seizure)
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome (or similar condition)
    • Mental health problems (e.g. anxiety, depression, phobias, OCD, nervous breakdown, personality disorder, over-dose or self-harm, drug or alcohol dependency)

An eating disorder (e.g. bulimia, anorexia nervosa, compulsive).

Should you have any queries regarding your ITT Health Check, your first point of contact should be directly with the Occupational Health (OH) Team at the Royal Free Hospital:

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Email: [email protected]

Royal Free Hospital
Occupational Health and Wellbeing Centre
Pond Street

Please read the guidance below before completing the Occupational Health Questionnaire for your Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Course.

We are required by the Department for Education (DfE) to determine that all students beginning programmes of ITT have the health and physical capacity to teach and will not put children and young people at risk or harm.

We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for students with health conditions and disabilities. We will provide all reasonable support to enable students with any disability or health condition to complete an Initial Teacher Training programme.

Some health conditions or impairments might need further assessment by a health professional so if you make a positive declaration on your Occupational Health (OH) Questionnaire, you may be contacted by the Occupational Health Service to assess this with you.

Your OH Health Check will be undertaken by the Royal Free (RF) Hospital Trust Occupational Health Service.

The RF Occupational Health Service will send you an email invitation to complete your OH Questionnaire via an online system. The email sender will be [email protected].

Please read this email and follow the link provided to complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire. This is also known as your pre-placement OH assessment.

Please complete this as fully as possible and to the best of your knowledge. This includes details of any vaccinations you have received and the medical history that you have available to you or through contacting your GP.

You must complete your Occupational Health Questionnaire as soon as possible, this is to ensure there are no delays in starting your placement.

Upon receiving your completed ITT Health Questionnaire, the Royal Free Hospital Trust Occupational Health Service may arrange an appointment to meet with you.

If you have an appointment but are unable to attend, you must contact the Royal Free Hospital Trust Occupational Health Service directly at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment. 

If you are likely to miss your scheduled OH appointment please contact RF, preferably by telephone call.

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Or if this is not possible please email: [email protected]

Please be aware that if you do not attend your appointment or inform RF within 48 Hours, a ‘did not attend’ (D.N.A) will be marked on your Occupational Health Record.

The University are notified of this and are charged.

Frequent D.N.A appointments are recorded by the University and can be escalated which may have implications on your placement.

We strongly advise that you inform your programme leader if you are a new or expectant mother. Appropriate risk assessment of placement settings can then be arranged to ensure that you are not exposed to hazards in the work place that may pose a risk to you or your unborn child.

Our Disability and Dyslexia Service provide guidance and support for prospective and current students. If you have any health condition or learning impairment that you think may need additional support, we strongly recommend that you talk to our team as well as your programme leader.

We have listed examples of impairments or health conditions that might require further assessment below. Please note that we can only consider adjustments for school-based training placements if the health condition or impairment has been assessed by Occupational Health.

  • Functional capabilities
    • Mobility (e.g. walking, using stairs, balance, travel by public transport)
    • Agility (e.g. bending, reaching up, kneeling down)
    • Dexterity (e.g. getting dressed, writing, using tools)
    • Physical exertion (e.g. lifting, carrying, running)
    • Communication (e.g. speech, hearing)
    • Vision (e.g. visual impairment, colour blindness, tunnel vision)
    • Learning (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, impaired concentration).
  • Health conditions
    • Infection (generally skin or respiratory disorders, e.g. psoriasis, eczema, TB)
    • Neurological disorders (e.g. epilepsy, multiple sclerosis)
    • Allergies (e.g. latex, medicines, foods)
    • Endocrine disease (e.g. diabetes)
    • Sudden loss of consciousness (e.g. a fit or seizure)
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome (or similar condition)
    • Mental health problems (e.g. anxiety, depression, phobias, OCD, nervous breakdown, personality disorder, over-dose or self-harm, drug or alcohol dependency)

An eating disorder (e.g. bulimia, anorexia nervosa, compulsive).

Should you have any queries regarding your ITT Health Check, your first point of contact should be directly with the Occupational Health (OH) Team at the Royal Free Hospital:

Tel: 0207 830 25 09 / 10 / 11

Email: [email protected]

Royal Free Hospital
Occupational Health and Wellbeing Centre
Pond Street